Arlene Pellicane

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Reality Check: Are You Putting Google Before God?


My daughter Noelle came home from school and her right eye looked red. Do you know what I did right away? I googled “pinkeye” to read about its symptoms and treatment.  

Having the Internet is like having a doctor at your side. You have instructions to practically any problem you face online, which is great…or is it?  


A Smile: Not Just for the Camera!


When someone points a camera your way, what do you automatically do?  Hopefully you smile!  But what about smiling throughout the day even when there’s no camera? 

One of my favorite books is Dale Carnegie’s classic How to Win Friends and Influence People.  As a part of his human relations courses, he asked business people to smile at someone every hour of the day for a week and then come to class to talk about the results.  A New York stockbroker wrote Mr. Carnegie a letter about how he had been married 18 years yet seldom smiled at his wife or spoke to her before leaving for work.  He was one of the worst grouches to walk down Broadway.

He decided to do an experiment with smiling for one week. 


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