Stormie Omartian

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Finding the Place of Safety God Has for Us


All of my early life was ruled by fear. I was afraid of my mother, afraid of other children, afraid of people, afraid of heights, afraid of the dark, afraid of dying, afraid of car accidents, afraid of the future, afraid of going to the hospital, afraid of not getting to the hospital in time, afraid of every possible thing that could happen to me. I had countless fears until a spirit of fear controlled my life.


Why Friends Matter (and 9 Signs of a Good One)


“Do two walk together unless they have agreed to do so?” (Amos 3:3).

So much is made of the importance of the right kind of friends in the Bible that we can’t treat this part of our lives lightly. 

The main quality to look for in a biblical friendship is how much the two of you love and fear God. What Amos wrote is a picture of being in agreement on many levels. You will have all different kinds of friends, but your closest friends—those with whom you walk closely—should be the kind of friends who impart something of the goodness of the Lord to you every time you are with them.


Choose Love: Remember That God is Good


Get to Know God Better

God is good all the time, and you can trust that—even when bad things happen. We all know bad things happen to good people, but all of us are really only good to the degree that we allow God’s goodness to flow into us. We keep that from happening when we resist the flow of His goodness and love to us in some way.

That’s why it is important to grow daily in our knowledge of God. 


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