Georgia Varozza

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What About Thanksgiving Breakfast? Make It Easy with This Casserole!


Are you inspired by the Amish way of life? I think that in part it’s because the Amish seem to personify the things we are seeking after, such as a peaceful, Christlike life, where our days are filled with meaningful work, close family ties, and simple, self-reliant living.

Thanksgiving is coming soon, and there’s no better time to reflect on the blessings that God pours out than on this special holiday.


8 Time-Saving Tips for Home Management


Have you ever heard of the 80/20 rule? It’s said that 80 percent of unfocused time produces 20 percent of the effort needed to accomplish something (like keeping your home clean and organized). On the flip side, 20 percent of focused time can accomplish 80 percent of the work that needs to be done. The lesson here? We probably don’t need to become time-management experts, but by spending a few moments considering how best to accomplish the tasks before us, we can make better use of our precious time—and that leaves us more time for doing the things we like best. Here are eight time-saving tips that will keep your home humming and you and your family happier. 

1. Start by setting up a few house rules, such as “put it away right away,” or “keep it in the room where it lives.” Help teach your young ones to corral their messes and put them away. (Same goes for the grown-ups in the family!) Your home may need a good vacuuming or dusting, but if things are picked up and dirty dishes aren’t piled high in the sink, you’ll feel more in control of your day.

2. Haven’t been following a list of house rules yet? It could be that chaos is an unwanted guest, and the thought of getting your home shipshape is daunting. Instead of being put off by the amount of work that needs to be done, spend just five minutes each day organizing and de-cluttering your home. Before you know it, you will be enjoying an organized, peaceful home.


How the Amish Celebrate Christmas: Some Amish Traditions and a Recipe for Chocolate Peppermint Cake


Can you imagine celebrating three Christmases every year? Well, in a sense, that’s exactly what the Amish do! Here are some Amish traditions for those three Christmases:

December 25th, Christmas Day, is celebrated with the family, and is often a day of prayer and contemplation…a holy day set aside to reflect on the birth of the Holy Child, Jesus Christ. Often, family members will find a gift or two waiting at the breakfast table—gifts that are generally homemade and useful. 


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